Monday, March 11, 2013

Homemade Apple Fruit Leathers

I recently discovered that you can make fruit leathers in the oven, no dehydrator needed! I didn't have enough fruit on hand so I used apple sauce. I went online to find out details on how to do it. It calls for a parchment paper lined cookie sheet. I didn't have any. The paper is used so it won't stick to the pan and so you can roll it up after and it won't stick to itself. I just poured the apple sauce straight on the pan. It didn't stick as bad as I thought it would, mostly just the sides. The rest just peeled right off. Next time I'll definitely use paper. When I peeled it off, tiny parts of the metal on the cookie sheet came off with the fruit.

I used a 48 oz. container of regular apple sauce. In hindsight, I should have used half that. Pour the apple sauce into the pan, smoothing it out to make it all even.

Set the oven to its lowest temperature. For me, that's 170 degrees.

It took around 8hrs. When you poke it and its doesn't come of on your finger, it's done. Someone online said it should not be sticky anymore. Once it's totally cooled, cut, peel and enjoy. It's really good. My daughter and I bother love them and I will be making then again soon. I'll be experimenting with other fruits too.

I give them 5 out of 5.

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