Monday, January 9, 2012

Why Juicing is Good

I had a long day and don't feel like writing a long entry tonight so I'll just give you a quick run down of some of the benefits of juicing. (I'll probably do a longer entry later.)

1. Juice is easier and quicker for the body to digest. Juicing takes out a lot of the fiber because it's just juice and no pulp. Not having to digest the fiber gives your body a break. (If you are worried about not having that fiber or wasting the pulp, don't be. Many people use it in breads and soups.)

2. It takes more fruits and vegges to fill up a glass than you could eat normally so you are getting extra nutrients. It's also good if you don't like the taste of vegetables but still want the benefits. Just mix in fruit, usually an apple, and it covers most vegetable tastes. (This is one reason I wanted to start it.)

3. It can be used to detox your body. (We could all use this with all the processed junk we eat.)

4. It can boost your overall health and energy.

5. Most people lose weight and do it easily and relatively fast.

6. Some say it cured their illness or cancer.

Although there are lots of benefits to juicing you should check with your doctor first if you have any health conditions or are on medications. Some vegetables can lessen the affects of your medication.

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